For the past 5 weeks, I have experienced every single emotion that has ever existed EVER.
I went from content to blissful
blissful to ecstatic
ecstaic to fearful
fearful to hopeful
hopeful to confident
confident to scared
scared to excited
excited to trusting
trusting to paranoid
paranoid to psycho
psycho to validated
validated to sad
sad to despair
despair to anger
anger to sorrow
sorrow to anger
anger to hate
hate to wishing death to all who cross my path
wishing death to being indifferent
being indifferent to feeling sorry for myself
feeling sorry for myself to not caring
not caring to getting angry
getting angry to getting pissed
getting pissed to laughing
laughing to once again not caring
not caring to accepting
accepting to being brave
being brave to feeling lonely
feeling lonely to realizing that my life is about to change in the most major way possible.
And January isn't even over yet.
Needless to say, I have a hard time getting a handle on my thoughts in my mind, let alone on "paper."
Blogging will be sporadic for awhile. But as always, I'm sure that I'll be back to my fabulous sense of self eventually. Stay tuned....
Go Ahead, Share Your Thoughts! .