I think I have obsessive compulsive disorder.
I once ate ramen noodles for every meal of the day, for 64 days straight, until one day I decided that just the mear thought of ramen noodles made me throw up. Just like that. I haven't eaten ramen noodles since. But my obession with chicken fried rice is growing.
Every night I set and reset my alarm clock 5 times in a row, just to make sure that it's still set for 7:00 and that the setting is set for AM and not PM. The ironic part is that I never wake up at 7am. I usually wait til about 8am to roll out of bed.
I cannot leave my house unless my bed is made. I don't care if my house is burning down, while I happen to be naked in the shower, and I have to frantically run outside in order to save my own life. Naked. I will make sure that my bed is made before I leave.
I am obsessed with
this show. If I don't watch at least 3 repeat episodes of it every night, then my life is not complete.
Since December of 2004, I start every work day by listening to Damien Rice's "
The Blower's Daughter."
Even though I went on a date, this past weekend, with a really really really fabulous guy, who happens to be good looking, smart, funny, out going, a DOCTOR, and, well, pretty much perfect, I am soooooooo obsessed with Guy #6 (who is HOT, but not smart, not funny, not out going, and who has no job) that while on said date with said doctor, all I could think about is when I could sneak in a secret text message to Guy #6 to see if he wanted to hang out when I got home.
Everything in my life is set up in right angles. It's all 90 degrees, all the time. When I'm feeling crazy, I'll throw in a 45 degree angle.
Did I mention my obsession with Guy #6? Shoot me now. He's my heroin. Such a rush...so addicting...but not good for my health.
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